N.S Vishwanathan RBI

N.S Vishwanathan

N.S Vishwanathan is the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. As Deputy Governor, Mr. Vishwanathan looks after Department of Banking Regulation (DBR), Department of Co-operative Banking Regulation (DCBR), Department of Non-Banking Regulation (DNBR), Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC), Financial Stability Unit (FSU), Inspection Department, Risk Monitoring Department (RMD) and Secretary’s Department. His areas of expertise include regulation and supervision of banks, non-banking finance companies and cooperative banks, currency management, foreign exchange and human resources management. He had a three-year secondment to the Bank of Mauritius, the central bank of Mauritius, as Director, Supervision. He has been the head of Chennai Regional office of the Reserve Bank. Mr. Vishwanathan was the Reserve Bank nominee on the Board of Directors of three public sector banks at different points in time. He was also the Chief Vigilance Officer and Head of Internal Audit, IFCI. He has been associated with various committees, working groups, and task forces. He represented the Reserve Bank in various international Committees. These are: Member of the Policy Development Group, BIS, Basel, Member of Macro Prudential Policy Group BIS, Basel, and Executive Committee Member of the International Credit Union Regulators Network. Mr. Vishwanathan holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Bangalore University.

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