Kanwaljit Singh BMGF

Kanwaljit Singh

Kanwaljit Singh recently joined the FSP team and is leading its efforts towards developing a portfolio of investments in the area of digital identity, regulatory technologies and application of emerging technologies for the advancement of financial inclusion. Kanwal graduated from Cornell University with a PhD in Chemistry (2006) and joined the Components Research division at Intel Corporation. As a chair of multiple strategic research sectors, Kanwal was responsible for driving advanced technology research efforts over six generations of Moore’s law in industry, academia and consortia-led engagements through Intel’s corporate research council. In 2012, Kanwal was awarded the prestigious “Intel Achievement Award” for contributions enabling the 10-nm node. In 2016, Kanwal joined Intel’s Quantum Computing group and was Intel’s assignee to Qutech (a collaboration between Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research and Delft University of Technology) in the Netherlands, leading an effort in developing and scaling silicon-based quantum computing across multiple core research areas in physics, electronics, cryogenics and computation. Kanwal has authored over 50 patents and publications in peer-reviewed literature on semiconductor research and quantum computing.

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