Dr. Gerhard Coetzee

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Dr. Gerhard Coetzee

Lead, Customer Value


Gerhard Coetzee leads the Customer Value Team at CGAP (responsible for the CGAP gender strategy, protecting vulnerable consumers, and women in rural and agricultural livelihoods). He is an Extraordinary Professor at the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

Before CGAP, Gerhard was Head of Inclusive Banking at Absa Bank (South Africa), responsible for its branchless banking proposition. He was the founder and Director of the Centre for Inclusive Banking in Africa, a Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Pretoria, technical lead, and CEO of a consulting firm (owned by DAI). He had several senior roles at the Development Bank of Southern Africa. His specialization areas are development finance, financial inclusion, agricultural finance and, rural development. He is published widely and worked in several countries, the majority in Africa.

Gerhard holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
