Day 1

7th June 2021

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16:00 to 16:10

Welcome remarks
Mr. Samir Shah, Executive Vice-chair and Group President and Managing Trustee, Dvara Trust

Theme: Portfolios of Migrant Households16:15 to 16:45

Research Presentation: Exploring household financial decision-making through a migration lensLEAD at Krea University

16:45 to 17:15

Research Presentation: Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Preferences for Household Portfolio, Social Security and Risk Mitigation Strategies for Low-income Migrant Households and Their Response to Unconditional Cash TransfersGrameen Foundation India

17:15 to 17:30

Reflections on the theme of portfolios of migrant households Timothy Ogden

17:30 to 17:45


17:45 to 18:00


Keynote Session18:00 to 18:45

Opening keynote session Prof. Jonathan Morduch, New York University

18:45 to 19:00


Day 2

8th June 2021

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16:00 to 16:05

Opening comments and recap from Day 1

Theme: Household Portfolios16:05 to 16:35

Research Presentation: Understanding gold as an asset class in India NIPFP and IIT-Delhi

16:35 to 17:05

Research Presentation: Household portfolio choice and healthcare-seeking behavior – an empirical analysis focusing on women in their reproductive Age (15-49 years) in India Flame University

17:05 to 17:35

Research Presentation: Socio-economic determinants of household investment portfolio in India Sharda University and BITS Pilani

17:35 to 17:50

Q & A

17:50 to 18:00


18:00 to 18:45

In conversation with Vimal Balasubramaniam and Monika Halan on the theme of household portfolios Ms. Monika Halan, Personal finance writer, speaker and author
Prof. Vimal Balasubramaniam, Queen Mary University of London

18:45 to 19:00

Q & A

Day 3

9th June 2021

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16:00 to 16:45

Expert talk on migrants and the COVID-19 pandemic Prof. Chinmay Tumbe, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

16:45 to 17:00

Q & A

17:00 to 17:15


17:15 to 18:30

Panel Discussion: Innovations in household finance
Moderator: Deepti George, Deputy Executive Director and Head of Strategy, Dvara Research
Panellists: Rajeev Yadav, MD & CEO, Fincare Small Finance Bank
Venkatesh N, MD, Samasta Microfinance
RM. Vishakha, MD & CEO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance
Bhavesh Jain, Chief Revenue Officer, TransUnion CIBIL

18:30 to 19:00

Expert talk on finance for the new to credit segment

Day 4

10th June 2021

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16:00 to 16:05

Opening comments and recap

Theme: Gender Differences in Intra – Household Finance16:05 to 16:35

Research Presentation: From person to situation: understanding and testing household level financial behavior using a behavioral design approach Busara Center for Behavioral Economics

Theme: Savings by Urban Low-income Households16:35 to 17:05

Research Presentation: Urban low-income households’ savings: understanding issues and challenges in Indian context BITS Pilani, HYD

17:05 to 17:15

Q & A

17:15 to 18:00

In conversation with Misha Sharma and Anita Srinivasan to reflect on the theme of intra-household finance and household savings Ms. Misha Sharma, Research Manager, Dvara Research
Ms. Anita Srinivasan, Product Manager, Kaleidofin

18:00 to 18:15


Theme: Crop Insurance18:15 to 18:45

Research Presentation: Development of Farmers Distress Index ICAR

18:45 to 19:00

Q & A

Day 5

11th June 2021

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16:00 to 16:05

Opening comments and recap

Theme: Applied Data Science in Household Finance Research16:05 to 16:35

Research Presentation: Event history analysis of household finance data IIIT – Bangalore

16:35 to 17:05

Research Presentation: Income distribution and inequality in India (2014-19)
Nishanth Kumar, Head of Social Protection Initiative and Research Analytics, Dvara Research

17:05 to 17:25

Reflections on the theme of applied data science in household finance research Dr. Nandan Sudarsanam, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Mr. Ramkumar Ratnam, Business Head – Tamil Nadu, Dvara KGFS

17:25 to 17:35

Q & A

17:35 to 17:45


Keynote Session17:45 to 18:30

Closing keynote session Prof. Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London

18:30 to 18:45

Q & A

18:45 to 19:00

Summing up and future research directions Dr. Indradeep Ghosh, Executive Director, Dvara Research

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