Welcome to Dvara Research's knowledge repository - our writings on foundational thinking in the domains of financial inclusion and social protection

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- 27/03/2025
- Dvara Research
- 27/03/2025
- The Hindu Business Line
- 21/03/2025
- Dvara Research
- 05/03/2025
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Researcher In Focus

Dwijaraj Bhattacharya
Head - Financial Systems Design
About Dvara Research
Dvara Research is an independent, non-partisan, not-for-profit policy research institution based in India. Its mission is to ensure that every low-income household and every small enterprise has complete access to suitable financial services and social security through a range of channels that enable them to use these services securely and confidently.
Since 2008, Dvara Research has deeply analysed, and carefully written about, financial inclusion and social protection in India from policy, regulatory, and practitioner perspectives that are anchored to its mission.
Its work has gained the admiration and respect of policymakers and regulators, and since its inception, Dvara Research has been a research-partner of choice for such key policy-making bodies as the Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority etc.

We collaborate with:

Perspectives on Inclusion and Protection