A Review of Life Insurance Distribution in India Regulatory Design of Distribution Channels and Incentive Structures
Large gaps exist in life insurance coverage in India. The paper examines this issue through a supply-side lens by examining the two key features—the distinction between the agent and the broker model and the alignment of incentive structures with product life-cycle servicing.
Is contributory health insurance indeed an addiction to a bad idea? A comment on its relevance for low- and middle-income countries
Financing of health systems is an enduring concern world wide. Yazbeck and colleagues in their paper make an important point that when there is a choice between financing in which contributions from citizens take place in the form of generalised taxes versus those in which they are in the form of insurance premiums, the overwhelming evidence suggests that tax-based financing is unambiguously superior even in low- and middle-income countries. Despite the strength of their case against contributory insurance, we suggest that the path forward may be more complex than they envisage for a number of reasons.
Debt Distress Protocols
An action project to help financial service providers detect debt distress among their borrowers and administer interventions to alleviate distress. Read the full report here.
Identification & Alleviation of Over-indebtedness: Introducing the Debt Distress Protocols Project
An action project to help financial service providers detect debt
distress among their borrowers and administer interventions to
alleviate distress.
An Agent Success Framework- Part III :Arriving at an ‘Agent Success’ Framework
In this blog, we propose a framework for evaluating agent success through a customer protection lens; this can potentially be deployed as a tool to determine agent success while also allowing stakeholders to identify context-specific levers to improve outcomes for the customer.
The Use of Malware in UPI related Fraud
In a recent study to evaluate the effectiveness of consumer awareness campaigns relating to United Payment Interface(UPI) frauds, Dvara Research interviewed ~85 low-income, new-to-UPI users from metro cities and small towns.
An Agent Success Framework – Part II : Are Agent Networks able to offer access to reliable CICO?
In this blog, we focus on the supply side of the equation, exploring the literature detailing the issues CICO agents face in offering uninterrupted CICO services. Agents who provide CICO services often encounter significant obstacles that hinder their capacity to assist customers effectively.
Do UPI In-App Grievance Redress Mechanisms work for constrained users?
In this interim report, we document our observations about the user interface of In-App GRMs in UPI applications (UPI Apps). Our observations are based on our review of the customer redress journey on these GRMs – mainly in terms of the GRM’s accessibility and usability – from the lens of a low-income, digital immigrant customer.
An Agent Success Framework – Part I: Why must agent networks offer access to reliable CICO services?
In this blog post, we collate evidence of the various reasons that prevent the BC network from offering access to reliable CICO services all over the country. We rely on a mix of evidence in the form of qualitative case studies, survey results, and secondary sources.
Developing a Mechanism for ‘Market Monitoring of Customer-facing Issues with Unified Payments Interface (UPI)’
Under the Center for Customer Protection, Dvara Research has been working on developing a market monitoring tool that leverages social media data to identify customer-facing issues with India’s leading payment infrastructure, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI).