Priority Sector Lending
Fix the problems in Aadhaar-based cash transactions
Response to the Draft Enabling Framework for Regulatory Sandbox, 2019 (the Draft Framework)
A 100 Papers, 200 + Points of Evidence, 1 Financial Well-being Evidence Gap Map
A visual tool that is a repository of existing evidence in relation to Household Finance.
Response to the draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018
Reflections on ten years of KGFS
Reflections on the execution of the KGFS model.
Video: Anticipating the function and impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime
As part of the Emerging Markets Finance Conference, 2017, organised by IGIDR in collaboration with Vanderbilt Law School, Bindu Ananth joined a discussion on India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime, along with Prof. Adam Feibelman of Tulane University Law School and Renuka Sane, Associate Professor, NIPFP. Watch the video below from the event that […]
Response to the White Paper on a Data Protection Framework for India
Before The Horse Bolts
We need to use new enforcement tools for responsive data regulation in India.