How govt surveys can be updated to better understand the financial lives of Indian households
There is a need for updated dataset on households’ consumption patterns, increased frequency of surveys on households’ balance sheet, and to collect data on financial well-being.
Why endowment plan, a traditional life insurance scheme, is part of most household finances
Unlike term plans that provide life risk cover or unit-linked schemes, where returns are market-linked, endowment plans offer maturity benefits upon survival & minimum guaranteed return.
How important is a ‘key facts statement’ and what it does (or doesn’t) tell you about your loan
Unlike terms & condition document, key facts statement is a simple, page-long snapshot of key information about a loan. However, depth of information it offers can be shallow.
Suitable or unsuitable? Understanding the role of credit in finances of low-income households
Low-income households seek loans often, but credit is suitable if it helps sustain or improve financial well-being. This is what must be ensured by lenders, regulators & policymakers.
What is the ‘Jan Dhan Account-Aadhaar-Mobile’ trinity & has it aided India’s war on poverty?
‘JAM’ trinity facilitates direct benefit transfers of welfare subsidies into bank accounts of poor, but teething issues have kept the programme from realising its true potential.
Protecting the users — what the primary aim of a personal data protection legislation should be
The latest iteration of India’s data protection legislation calls for a reminder of why the country needs a Personal Data Protection Bill and what would make it a good one.
Inclusive, efficient, accountable — how to make digital welfare platforms more citizen-centric
Any digital system built to deliver social protection to citizens must accentuate the benefits of digitisation for citizens while suppressing any harm to them.
Govt linked JAM to DBT but the blindspot of ‘exclusion’ emerged. Here’s how to plug it
Large-scale scams in PM-Kisan suggest there’s vast leakage in DBT advantages. While inclusion errors are being tracked, exclusion should take priority.
Primer on Consumer Data Infrastructure-4th Dvara Research Conference Regulating Data-Driven Finance April 5-6, 2019
Click here to access the primer on Consumer Data Infrastructure. Large scale data infrastructures (such as the proposed Public Credit Registry, the GSTN System and the Indiastack) are emerging to support the delivery of financial services in India. This raises questions regarding the role of the State and of the regulation of these infrastructures. The existing […]
Primer on Designing Optimal Regulation – 4th Dvara Research Conference Regulating Data-Driven Finance April 5-6, 2019
Click here to access the primer on Designing Optimal Regulation. The use of technology and personal data in finance is changing the landscape of financial services. This is widening the choice set of financial services available to consumers, through two distinct trends that are enabled by the use of technology (i) the disintermediation of traditional financial […]