Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011

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The first IFMR Conference on Financial Systems Design was held at our office in Chennai on Aug 5-6, 2011. The objective of the conference was to engage in an in-depth conversation on the future of the Indian financial system and some of the underlying design challenges being faced in various markets.

In order to retain a functional perspective, the conference was organised into three main sessions for discussion — Origination, Transmission and Aggregation — as three broad buckets of questions and concerns – one involving customers and customer protection issues, the other involving markets and derivatives and the third involving large, nationally important financial institutions and systemic risk concerns.

In the introductory session, Nachiket shared some of his thoughts on the Indian financial system.

The format of the conference allowed for collaborative work and visioning by the participants. Following a lead presentation for each of the main sessions that identified key themes, each table came up with vision statements for that theme which were then shared across the room and discussed. Following the visioning, there was an exercise to identify the pathways for us to get to the desired end-state. These pathways were categorised into Research, Regulation, Innovation and Public Infrastructure.

The conference yielded very rich discussions and the participants identified several interesting issues and priorities for the Indian financial system. In the following weeks, we will share the summary of discussions and identified pathways for each of the three sessions.

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6 Responses

  1. Is there any literature (Complied from the presentations made in conference ) that I can get about this conference?

    MBA – Capital Market, NMIMS

    1. Mr. Madusudanan, we will send you the conference documentation when it is ready in a few weeks. Please send us your mailing address. Thanks for your interest.

  2. Thanks… I would like to complement your organisation for the good quality of research you produce. You happen to be one of the very few organisations in the country who pursue research in a big way, which is a key step in taking the Indian Managment education to a better position.

    Madusudanan R
    MBA – Capital Markets, NMIMS

  3. Thank you very much for fundamental research on origination and serving it in on public domain. The responsiveness of Madam Bindu need to be complemented. On one another occasion she has sent me a complete research report. Complements and best wishes to you. Please send compilations to

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