A Tale of Trade-offs: The Anatomy of the Direct Benefit Transfers System
While the system was rightly designed to eliminate ghost beneficiaries, the impact of exclusion errors needs to be professionally and independently evaluated in detail.
What Two New Surveys Say About the State of DBT’s Last Mile Woes
In India, the direct benefit transfer (DBT) system has gained enormous acceptance as a method of delivering welfare to the most deserving. It has been the main instrument of governments’ social protection response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Digital Highways for Social Protection: Delivering Entitlements on the Doorsteps
The social protection landscape in India is transforming at rapid speed owing to the digitization of the various systems that are involved in the process flow of social protection delivery.
Proposing a Framework to Document Exclusion in Direct Benefit Transfers
In this blog post, we propose a framework that can be used to document the various axes of exclusion in DBT against the broad policy context
Private Players in Welfare Delivery: A Case Study from South Africa
In this blog post we study the privatisation of grants system in the South Africa
Delivery Protocols in AePDS in Five Southern States of India
In this document, we compile Aadhaar-enabled Public Distribution System (AePDS) protocols in the five southern states of India, namely, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Telangana.
Delivery Protocols in Aadhaar-enabled PDS: A Closer Look at Southern States in India
In this blog post, we discuss the processes involved in the last-mile delivery of Aadhaar-enabled Public Distribution System (AePDS) in five states of Southern India
Can Lenders Also Sell Insurance and Investment Products?
Formal credit providers have increasingly gained prominence as a channel for distribution of non-credit products, such as insurance, investment and retirement products, to low-income households in India.
End-to-end liquidity transmission a must to serve the vulnerable
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted banks and non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) to reschedule payments on all loans for the period between March and May 2020 to stem the impact of the covid-9 pandemic.
End-to-end liquidity transmission a must to serve the vulnerable
Cash withdrawals through micro ATMs have surged in the wake of covid-related disruptions in the operations of banks and business correspondents.
But a considerable number of these transactions fail, thus worsening the pain of the vulnerable sections.