The ‘Common Services Centre’ Model: A no-win scenario?
Study on incentive compatibility in welfare delivery
Reaching the Last-mile: Delivery of Social Protection in India
Our analysis of last-mile delivery challenges
Does Co-opting Private agents for welfare delivery work?
Public-Private Partnerships in Welfare Delivery in India: A Preliminary Review
Financial Inclusion: Reaching the Last Mile in Financial Services Delivery
Despite the best efforts by policy makers and state-owned banks, the last mile problem has been an insurmountable hurdle in the way of financial inclusion for the poor. Bindu Ananth, Chair – IFMR Trust & IFMR Holdings, busts some common fallacies about financial inclusion.
Reaching the Last Mile in Financial Services Delivery
As part of Business Today Magazine’s 25th Anniversary issue, Bindu Ananth has written an article in the latest edition of the magazine.
NBFCs can now sign up to become Business Correspondents
Removing an earlier restriction that the Reserve Bank had placed on NBFCs, the RBI today has restored the permission for non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-ND) to become Business Correspondents (BCs) to commercial banks, as recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low-Income Households (CCFS).
Direct Benefits Transfer in Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh, with an area of 3.08 lakh square kilometres is the second largest State in India after Rajasthan1. It has a total of 50 districts2, 52,117 inhabited villages3 governed by 23,006 panchayats, and as per the 2011 Census, has a population of 7.27 crore4 with more than 75% of it residing in villages.
Extending the third-party aggregator model from ATMs to Business Correspondents
When you have two systems running in parallel, the hardest part is always managing the interface between the two. Customers don’t usually all migrate to the new system entirely and at the same time, so there is a need for the new system to offer backward compatibility with the older, more established system.
Regulating consumer credit intermediation
This post is a continuation of our Consumer Protection blog series. The next two posts would look at the Evolution of Consumer Protection Laws in India.
Banks can do more on the Business Correspondent front
G E Balajee, IFMR Blog Team in conversation with Abhishek Sinha, CEO, Eko India Financial Services Private Limited on the Business Correspondent model, its challenges and prospect.