Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

India’s proposed data protection regulator needs strong safeguards

On August 30, Paytm Mall allegedly suffered a massive data breach after being targeted of a group of hackers. The allegations were made by Cyble, a US cyber-risk intelligence firm. These were immediately denied by Paytm Mall, which, in turn, threatened to take legal action against Cyble. Meanwhile, customers and vendors have no way of verifying whether a breach occurred, or if their data has been compromised,

NBFCs’ collection efficiency takes a hit post demonetisation

Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) represent an important linkage between the formal banking sector and informal segments of the real economy in India (wage labourers, smallholder farmers, unorganised retail, and domestic workers) through the channelling of credit from the former to the latter. They have a significant presence in the microfinance, small business finance and commercial […]