Know Your Kisan – A Peek into the Financial Lives of Indian Farmers through the NAFIS Survey 2021-22

In this blog, we will highlight some interesting facts about agricultural households from the survey through a set of questions that can help contextualise the financial lives of farmers and their families.
Agriculture Finance in India: A Landscape Review of Challenges & Opportunities

How can finance be designed and structured for agriculture, farmers, agricultural households, agrarian communities and the larger economy so as to ensure economic equity, social well-being, and environmental sustainability?
Why agri-techs are complimentary to FPOs in agricultural value chain
India needs to carefully assess its capacity, need and social context while choosing its own path towards not just greater agricultural productivity and better farmer welfare but also ecological sustainability.
How to protect farmers against risks
Offering affordable derivative products that will help them hedge against price and weather risks is vital
Improving Competitiveness in Agri-commodity Markets – Part 3: Recommendations for Policy and Market Framework
How can policy enable competitive agri-commodity markets thereby also improving the conditions and incentives for farmers and others?
Improving Competitiveness in Agri-Commodity Markets – Part 2: The Policy Environment
This post is part 2 of a three-part series, and depicts the legislative and policy backdrop to agri-commodity markets in India
Improving Competitiveness in Agri-Commodity Markets – Part 1: Understanding the Markets
The Indian farmer might earn only INR 30 a day, but there are many of him. According to the 2001 census, the Indian agriculture sector employs about 60 percent of the population, of which farmers comprise 119 million (the rest are agricultural non-owner labourers).