Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

NBFCs can now sign up to become Business Correspondents

Removing an earlier restriction that the Reserve Bank had placed on NBFCs, the RBI today has restored the permission for non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-ND) to become Business Correspondents (BCs) to commercial banks, as recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low-Income Households (CCFS).

A summary of NBFC-MFI Directions – August 2012

On August 03, 2012, RBI came out with its ‘Non Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) – Directions – Modifications’1 via which RBI has made changes to Directions issued on December 02, 2011 in light of representations received by it from NBFCs functioning in the microfinance sector.

Effect of IFRS on Banks & NBFCs

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a discussion on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)  which was attended by chartered accountants and key financial stakeholders.

Who should govern NBFCs?

Does the RBI’s claim to regulate NBFC (MFIs) have more merit than Federal state governments’ claims? An analysis of constitutional provisions by Vishnu Peri, IFMR Mezzanine Finance.