Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Branch Profiling

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Recently, a profiling exercise was carried out at the Sanjay Nagar Branch of Pudhuaaru KGFS to understand and estimate the size of the economic and financial system of the branch service area. Apart from a general demographic profiling, it included a study of the existing financial infrastructure, various businesses, income-generating activities, health, education, etc.

The study gives us a fair idea of the market we are operating in and its underlying potential. Some interesting findings include the extent of saving activities the SHGs are involved in, the milk and the coconut economy, the informal settlement systems, the huge insurance and remittances market and the immense borrowing capacity of the people in the area. The presentation talks in detail about the entire profiling exercise.

This study was done by two of the Wealth Managers, Mr. Ramjayakumar and Mr. Gopalakrishnan. A similar exercise will be carried out for other branches as well.

Arun Kumar & Nitin Chaudhury from IFMR Rural Finance (presently known as Dvara KGFS)

– Business Intelligence team contributed to this post.

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