Comparing Participation in Formal Financial Services across Two Nationally Representative Surveys: CPHS vs. AIDIS
A comparison of household portfolios across two nationally representative survey highlights substantial differences in the ownership of financial assets, while similarities in the incidence of indebtedness.
What Two New Surveys Say About the State of DBT’s Last Mile Woes
In India, the direct benefit transfer (DBT) system has gained enormous acceptance as a method of delivering welfare to the most deserving. It has been the main instrument of governments’ social protection response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health Savings Accounts for India – Another string in the bow?
The study is authored by Aarushi Gupta, senior research associate at Dvara Research. Bindu Ananth, co-founder and chair of Dvara Trust. Bindu Ananth and Hasna Ashraf are fellow, Lancet Citizen’s Commission on Reimagining India’s Health Systems.
In this series’s of blog posts, we will provide challenges and gaps in the BoCW Act implementation and highlight the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders in the BoCW Act registration and service delivery.
Announcing Call for Proposal – Voice of Aggrieved Customers (VoAC)
The Centre for Customer Protection is announcing a call for proposals for the Voice of the Aggrieved Customer (VoAC) project, under the auspices of CPP. The Centre invites Consumer Groups, Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO), industry associations, Financial Service Providers (FSPs) including digital FSPs, DFS agents and business correspondents, financial planners/advisors, investigative journalists, institutional and independent academicians, research institutions/think-tanks and scholars to submit proposals to document authentic experiences of customers, in the context of digital financial services and customer protection.
Measurement of financial well-being, a review of the literature
In this paper, we review the literature on what constitutes financial well-being of a
household and how it can be visualised as the outcome of financial inclusion. If financial
well-being can be measured accurately, it can guide both policy makers and financial service
providers on what and where are the gaps in how finance can improve the lives of their
Political Economy of Health: Tamil Nadu
India’s healthcare sector has made significant strides in the last couple of decades. Yet, progress in terms of access, affordability, and quality of healthcare remains variable across states. There are many factors that affect the status of health in a national/sub-national geography, with the political economy of healthcare being a key driver of health outcomes. […]
Feedback on the Reserve Bank of India’s Discussion Paper on Review of Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operations of Investment Portfolio of Commercial Banks dated 14 January 2022
We presented detailed feedback on the Reserve Bank of India’s Discussion Paper on Review of Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operations of Investment Portfolio of Commercial Banks in the form of answers to the ten questions posed within the Discussion Paper.
Loan Rejection Rate for Women-run Business 2 Times Higher than Men. Formal Finance Bias Needs Fixing
Even when women are not the primary borrowers of formal finance, studies note that they remain responsible for ensuring timely repayments.
Making digital finance work for women
Digital formal finance can potentially reduce the physical and social distance between women and financial services.