What should social protection do?
In this post, we set out our vision for what social protection in India should aim to do, and then pose some questions on how we might achieve this.
Why agri-techs are complimentary to FPOs in agricultural value chain
India needs to carefully assess its capacity, need and social context while choosing its own path towards not just greater agricultural productivity and better farmer welfare but also ecological sustainability.
Comments on RBI’s Draft Master Direction on Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational Risk
In our response, we commend and highlight the more risk sensitive methodology and the corresponding disclosures outlined in the draft guidelines. However, we also point out that not including conduct risk under operational risk is a major lacuna.
Designing Health Systems
Health systems are extremely complex, with multiple interacting components which can lead to varied outcomes depending on the context in which
they are placed. Building a systematic understanding is then essential for designing health systems and reforming existing ones.
Insights from the All-India Debt and Investment Survey 2019
The All-India Debt and Investment Survey (AIDIS) conducted by the National Statistical Office is a nationally representative survey of Indian households that collects information about the assets and liabilities of households.
Watch: Reform Pathways for India’s Healthcare Financing
In India, nearly 65% of the healthcare spending is out of pocket by individuals. The remaining 35% is highly fragmented and comes from a number of central and state government funds, and insurance companies. The unprecedented healthcare crisis caused by the pandemic has brought a number of concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of the healthcare system to the forefront.
The Need to Explore the Finances of Platform Workers
In recent months, there have been several reports on platform workers demanding greater worker rights in India.
Comments to the Reserve Bank of India on the Report of the Working Group on Digital Lending including Lending through Online Platforms and Mobile Apps dated 18 November 2021
In this blog post, we present our comments to the Report of the Working Group on Digital Lending including Lending through Online Platforms and Mobile Apps, November 2021 (the Report) in response to the call for comments from all stakeholders by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Does financial and macro policy explain household investment in gold?
Gold dominates household portfolios in India. This has been labelled as irrational behaviour by financially illiterate households. In this paper, we show that household preference towards gold is not irrational in the context of the Indian financial and macroeconomic environment which includes high inflation, financial repression, and capital controls.
Digital Highways for Social Protection: Delivering Entitlements on the Doorsteps
The social protection landscape in India is transforming at rapid speed owing to the digitization of the various systems that are involved in the process flow of social protection delivery.