Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Social Stock Exchange: New Funding Avenues For Non-Profit Organisations

The Social Stock Exchange is envisioned as the venue that will originate pertinent funding structures for NPOs. One of the main hurdles that non-profit organisations (NPOs) face in securing financing from a wide variety of sources is the lack of robust information about their activities. To mitigate this problem, the establishment of a Social Stock Exchange (SSE) will prompt all NPOs that access capital through it, to submit to a minimum reporting standard.

A new paradigm for social finance

The Covid-19 crisis has, among other things, brought into focus the importance of non-profits and impact-focussed, for-profit, enterprises.

Book Review: The Case for a Job Guarantee by Pavlina R. Tcherneva

In The Case for a Job Guarantee, Pavlina R. Tcherneva argues that a job guarantee that provides an employment opportunity to anyone looking for work, regardless of their personal circumstances or the state of the economy, not only makes good economic sense, but is vital for people’s wellbeing.