A Blueprint For Implementing India’s Personal Data Protection Law
Information from individuals is often stated to be the fuel that will power our new digital economy. As India powers into the information age, a key issue facing policymakers is the regulation of the use of this personal information.
Common conduct rules can help align financial services with customers
Individuals and households need access to reliable financial services like a safe and accessible place to save and affordable credit.
It’s unfair to NBFCs
India is a bank-dominated financial system with about two-thirds of all financial assets in the economy belonging to the banking sector.
Better financial inclusion: create an enabling environment for the underserved to save, borrow and invest
The new regime must be one that can hold all entities to a common standard of institutional conduct in how they deal with the individual customer, including how they sell products.
988 Mn Indians Do Not Have Life Insurance. Those Who Do, Are Insured For 7.8% Of What’s Needed To Cover Financial Shock
At least 988 million Indians–more than the population of Europe and 75% of all Indians–are not covered by any form of life insurance, and an Indian is assured of only 8% of what may be required to protect a family from financial shock following the death of an earning member, according to our analysis of government data and industry data.
Differentiation in banking models is a must to drive competition
Several studies have found that the Indian banking sector, while having a large number of players, has monopolistic competition.
Is it time to introduce wholesale banks in India?
NBFCs are particularly vulnerable to wholesale funding constraints in the form of high and volatile borrowing costs
India’s Findex data: Reasons behind non-usage phenomenon even after widespread financial services
Ideas on how to benefit from the account opening momentum and make progress on usage as well.
Banks must transmit rates for fruitful financial inclusion
Banks not passing on rate cuts points to a lack of intensity in price competition and calls for increasing the number of lenders
Is there bang for the Mudra buck?
Op-Ed in Bloomberg Quint