Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Message from the President

Bindu Ananth, President of IFMR Trust, speaks about the year that was and explains how the Trust is participating in the change process towards making universal access to financial services a reality.

Latest from IFMR Capital

IFMR Capital has crossed two milestones this month – the closing of its seventh securitisation transaction with Janalakshmi Financial Services and the rating upgrade received by IFMR Capital Pioneer III

Need for KGFS mobility – and how to get there

Well regarded academicians have highlighted the importance of financial services in bringing about a transformation in the lives of those that haven’t traditionally had access to those services. The IFMR Trust was an early leader in understanding this need.

Head in the Clouds

Revolutionary, cost-effective technology. Is cloud computing the way forward for the development finance sector?

CIFD to launch ‘Pregnancy Financing’ product

Childbirth ushers with it a ray of hope and joy for the family. Pregnancy, birth and motherhood, in an environment that respects women, can powerfully affirm women’s rights and social status without jeopardizing their health.

Field visit to FINO customer service points

Business Correspondence (BC) model or the third-party agent banking was launched in 2006 in India, with the intent of increasing the ambit of the formal banking sector. Since its inception in 2006, various banks have promoted the BC model in all corners of the country.