Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Net-working on the hills

The sight of the mighty Himalayas and the scenic surroundings of the hilly terrain can be a source of respite for sore eyes, but when taken in the context of connectivity (both telecommunications and internet) it presents a critical challenge.

Day Two at the IFMR Capital MFI Workshop

Having covered the fundamentals of debt finance and the basics of securitisation and securitisation structures as well as the roles of the different parties to the transaction on the first day

Bravo Mr. Ghosh!

Marking a new phase in the evolution of the microfinance market in India, Bandhan (an MFI headquartered in West Bengal) reduced its interest rate to an unprecedented 19%.

Day One at the IFMR Capital MFI Workshop

29th April marked an extremely informative and stimulating start to this year’s MFI workshop on ‘New Sources of Financing for Microfinance Institutions’.

Coffee and conversations

When you hold that cup of freshly brewed coffee where does that aromatic smell take you? What does that coffee remind you of?  You might not be alone when you say ‘Well, just coffee’; but there is more to it than you might think.

What makes Google special?

For a company of Google’s stature that has reached the scale it has, and still regard itself to be an Internet start-up is both admirable and inspiring.