Mapping Modularisation in the Financial Services Industry
This post is part of our blog series on the Conference on Designing Regulations for a Rapidly Evolving Financial System hosted by Dvara Research (formerly known as IFMR Finance Foundation).
Natural Catastrophe Insurance – In Conversation with Mr. Ulrich Hess
In the below video we share a brief conversation with Mr. Ulrich Hess, GIZ.
Let’s Break It Down: The Watal Committee Report – Malavika Raghavan, IFMR
The Watal Committee report was released in early December to make recommendations about Digital Payments in India. The report is titled: “Medium Term Recommendations to Strengthen Digital Payments Ecosystem” This talk takes you through the highlights and lowlights of the Watal Committee report. Malavika presents some of the Committee’s rationale and thinking as set out in the text of the report and gets into the details of each of the 13 recommendations that the report made. The Report’s recommendations could have far-reaching impacts on Indian financial systems design, particularly for the regulatory architecture and the operation of payment systems in the country – including (1) the set-up of an independent “Payments Regulatory Board” within the RBI, (2) large scale amendments to the main Payments legislation, the Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007, and (3) several measures to Government around incentivising digital payments by absorbing costs into the system.
Law, policy and regulation for customers making digital payments
Law, policy and regulation for customers making digital payments: IFMR – A Youtube Video
Replug – Interview with Dr. Viral Acharya
The Government today appointed Dr. Viral Acharya, Professor of Economics at the New York University Stern School of Business, as RBI Deputy Governor for 3 years.
Aggregate Risk, Saving and Malnutrition in Agricultural Households
Why is malnutrition in India’s central belt, which includes the state of Madhya Pradesh and Bihar, so high and so persistent despite relatively high rates of income growth?
IFMR Holdings Annual Update 2016 – Sowing Seeds for Transformation
In this Annual IFMR Holdings update for FY2016, Sucharita Mukherjee, CEO, IFMR Holdings, in conversation with a Wealth Manager in the video below, narrates the journey so far and the road ahead.
The Lifecycle of Innovations in Financial Inclusion: From Insights to Scale
The Indian financial sector is poised for sweeping changes to traditional models and we look to embrace game-changing developments in institutional form and digital infrastructure.
Video: Recent Regulatory Developments in Advancing Financial Inclusion
As part of IFMR Finance Foundation’s Financial Deepening & Household Finance Research Initiative, the National Stock Exchange & IFMR Finance Foundation recently hosted a two-day Inaugural Conference in Mumbai to present the results of the collaborative research effort underway and to obtain feedback on it.
Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges
As part of our coverage on the recently held knowledge management sessions at our office, in this post we share video from a session on “Financial Access for Persons with Disabilities – Current Status and Challenges”.