Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Dvara-CMIE Survey on Access to Cash and Coping Mechanisms during COVID-19

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The Social Protection Initiative at Dvara Research has collaborated with the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) to document the accessibility of key banking facilities during the COVID-19 lockdown. We also aim to understand the coping mechanisms deployed by households to manage their cash-flows since the outbreak. Both categories of metrics seek to inform our research on welfare measures being relied upon by governments during the pandemic, a majority of which are direct bank transfers. Key indicators of the study are illustrated below.

Key Indicators - Part of CMIE Consumer Pyramids


Duration May – September 2020
Survey Type Longitudinal Survey
Sample 80,000-85,000 Households (national and state representation)

Also see:
Chicago Booth – How are  Indian HHs coping under the COVID-19 Lockdown? 8 Key Findings
CMIE – Salaried Job Losses

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