Introduction to Household finance – Part 1
Part 1 of a two-part series on the learnings and takeaways from a Household Finance course.
Why does account usage remain low? A few insights from the field
A few insights from the field on possible reasons for low account usage.
Between the state of Access and Use in India: Some observations from the Global Findex
Insights from the India sample of the Global Findex 2017.
Developing the Natural Catastrophe Risk Insurance Market for Low-Income Households in India
Natural disasters leave behind them a tale of death and destruction that affects the economy on the whole and severely impacts communities, especially low-income households, which bear its brunt.
District-level Assessment of Credit Depth in Uttar Pradesh
In this post we assess the state of bank credit depth for the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and the variation in credit depth across the 75 districts of UP during the 2004-12 period.
Agricultural Markets: Five Opportunities for Innovation After Demonetisation
Due to the demonetisation of currency and recall of the currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 denominations announced by the government there was some panic in the initial days and the mandis were closed for some days.
Aggregate Risk, Saving and Malnutrition in Agricultural Households
Why is malnutrition in India’s central belt, which includes the state of Madhya Pradesh and Bihar, so high and so persistent despite relatively high rates of income growth?
Misled and Mis-sold: Financial misbehaviour in retail banks?
We use an audit methodology where auditors ask for tax saving instruments from banks and document the disclosures made on product features at the time of sale. In private sector banks with high sales incentives, the high commission product is recommended. In public sector banks, where there are deposit mobilisation targets, fixed deposits are recommended. […]
Building Natural Catastrophe Protection for Low-income Households – Notes from the Joint Workshop hosted by Asian Development Bank and IFMR Holdings
Natural catastrophes, whether in the form of the severe drought that regions like Bundelkhand are currently witnessing or floods, like the one which deluged Chennai in 2015, leave behind them a tale of destruction that is both unparalleled and deeply disturbing
Millions on the Move: Narratives of Labour Migrants in India – Part 2
As we saw in the previous post, seasonal migrant workers and their families face several endemic disadvantages, both at source and destination.