A Commentary on RBI’s December 2019 Financial Stability Report
On the December 2019 Financial Stability Report released by the Reserve Bank of India.
A Strategy for Comprehensive Financial Inclusion
The study found a set of issues that were common across all origination models, a smaller set of issues that were specific to certain institution- or product-types, and a set of issues with distribution channel design and incentive design.
Reaching the Last-mile: Delivery of Social Protection in India
Our analysis of last-mile delivery challenges
Our initial comments on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019
Comments on the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 introduced in the Lok Sabha on 11 December 2019
Initial Comments of Dvara Research dated 16 January 2020 on the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 introduced in the Lok Sabha on 11 December 2019
In this document, we present our initial comments on the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 (the Bill), introduced in the Lok Sabha in December 2019. This continues our engagement with the public consultation process on India’s new data protection regime since 2017.2 We welcome the introduction of the Bill in Parliament as an important development to take forward India’s journey towards an overarching data protection framework.
The conundrum of short-term savings
Insights and field experiences from Dvara Money.
Does Co-opting Private agents for welfare delivery work?
Public-Private Partnerships in Welfare Delivery in India: A Preliminary Review
How does India do welfare?
Evaluating Schemes in Indian Welfare
Building safe consumer data infrastructure in India: Account Aggregators in the financial sector (Part–2)
The second part of a two-part series that undertakes an analysis of the Account Aggregator system
Building safe consumer data infrastructure in India: Account Aggregators in the financial sector (Part–1)
The first part of a two-part series that undertakes an analysis of the Account Aggregator system