Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Functions of the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)

This is the second post in the series of posts on the Municipal Finance Scenario in India. In this post, we discuss the functions devolved to ULBs as per the 74th Constitutional Amendment. We also discuss briefly the capabilities of ULBs to carry out these functions successfully.

New perspectives on farmer distress and farmer suicides

I recently had an opportunity to read an interesting book on farmer suicides in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra by Secretary Health Meeta Rajiv Lochan1 (meeta29 [at] and Professor Rajiv Lochan2 (mrajivlochan [at]

A Paradigm for Suitability: Part II

The previous post delineated the Indian context for finance and suitability as part of our Consumer Protection series. This post delves deeper into the conceptual discussions on suitability as the new paradigm for financial sector regulation in India.

Indian Corporate Debt Markets – The Supply-Side Issues

This post takes off from where our article on the current status of Indian debt markets ended. The peculiar issue with the Indian corporate debt market is not that it faces challenges due to a lack of adequate infrastructure.

A Paradigm for Suitability: Part I

This post aims to establish the conceptual justification for why suitability should form the central principle underlying consumer protection in India. The following posts in the three part series will dive deeper into the implementation aspects of ‘suitability’.

74th Amendment and Local Governments in India

This is the beginning of a series of blogs on the Municipal Finance scenario in India. In the first post we look at the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, the rationale behind it and its intentions.