Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011 – Takeaways

Subsequent to our earlier posts detailing the three broad themes from the IFMR Financial Systems Design Conference 2011, Day 2 of the conference witnessed participants identify pathways to achieve the specific visions that were formulated across the sessions in Origination, Risk Transmission and Aggregation.

A structured finance approach to microfinance

The structured finance approach has given MFIs access to a new class of debt investors, thereby reducing over-dependence on traditional sources of funds. This therefore enables risk transfer over a larger gamut of financial institutions and also provides access to mainstream capital market investors. The need for continuous and reliable sources of capital is critical for growth and sustenance in this sector.

Dr Viral Acharya on aggregation of risks in a financial system

In a conversation with Nachiket Mor and Bindu Ananth, Dr. Viral Acharya, Professor of Finance at the New York University Stern School of Business, speaks on issues centring around aggregation of risks in a financial system, with an emphasis on those particularly relevant to the Indian financial system.

Customising financial services

Future financial services providers will be akin to general physicians, who bear great responsibility for the health of their patients. Such a prescriptive approach would minimise instances of unsuitable advice.

Simple products not always best

A common refrain that one hears in the context of financial services for low-income households is the importance of “keeping it simple”.