The Fundamental Premise of Securitisation: The Microfinance Case Study
In a recent post, Daniel Rozas and Vinod Kothari have argued that microfinance securitisation does not, in reality, separate ‘pool risk’ from ‘originator risk’ and hence should not be rated very differently from the originator of the portfolio.
Professor T. N. Srinivasan on the importance of integrating finance, management and development
Considered alone, development, finance and management is each a vast field, albeit with substantial overlaps among them.
RBI Draft Guidelines on Securitisation: Balancing growth and stability
Securitisation of assets by NBFCs came under regulatory purview with draft guidelines being put on the RBI website on June 3rd.
Unearthing the real issues in microfinance: Quality
Sucharita Mukherjee and Kirthi Rao talk about the importance of quality of underwriting standards in microfinance institutions. This is the first in a series of articles by the authors on the topic “Unearthing the real issues in microfinance”.
Do Consumer Price Subsidies Really Improve Nutrition?
The National Bureau of Economic Research recently published a working paper by Robert T. Jensen and Nolan H. Miller on this topic.
Pens n’ Parrys
Legend would have it that ‘a pen is mightier that sword’ and for good reason.
Constructing a comprehensive financial plan for Jaya
Last month the Wealth-Management Cross-Functional team had visited 15 households in Thanjavur to pilot the Wealth Management process.
Report of the expert committee on harnessing the India post network for financial inclusion
Indian economic policy emphasises achieving high growth rates coupled with ensuring that the poor are able to participate in the market economy. This inclusion agenda has that many implications for the field of finance.
Role of Moneylenders in relaxing credit constraints
From Shylock to the neighborhood pawn-broker, money lenders have always been reviled for exploitative practices and prices in lending to the poor.
NGOs as Business Correspondents
IFMR Finance Foundation (IFF), which recently came out with a plan for commercial banks to deepen financial access using the Business Correspondent (BC) model , is now working on an action plan to roll out the model extensively across India.