Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Workshop on Microfinance and Rural Development

At a recent workshop on “Microfinance and Rural Development” held at Ramjas College, Delhi, Nitin Chaudhary from IFMR Rural Finance had the opportunity to chair one of the sessions that was attended by students of Ramjas College and St. Stephen’s College.

MFI Activity and Human Resource

The success of an organization greatly depends on its Human Resource (HR), where HR plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing its human capital.

Microfinance Summit

Last week a group of microfinance practitioners and investors gathered in New York City at the 2nd Microfinance Summit to discuss recent developments within the microfinance industry, as well as opportunities in providing healthcare, clean water, and renewable energy to low-income populations.

Thoughts from the CMF-CAB Conference

Last week I attended a conference titled “Microfinance: Translating Research into Practice”, hosted by the Centre for Microfinance in partnership with the College of Agricultural Banking (CAB) in Pune.

Ratings upgrade highlights microfinance as a promising new asset class for investors

In March 2009, IFMR Capital (presently known as Northern Arc Capital) and Equitas Micro Finance concluded the first securitisation of micro-loans in India. Following that landmark transaction, on October 27th 2009 the associated PTCs (pass-through-certificates or securities) received a ratings upgrade from CRISIL. The senior tranche of PTCs was upgraded from AA (so) to AAA (so) — CRISIL’s highest long term safety rating. The junior tranche was upgraded from BBB (so) to A (so).