Covid-19 and debt moratorium conundrum: The case of microfinance
Given the extent of liquidity shock caused by Covid-19, the Reserve Bank of India enabled all lending institutions to provide their borrowers with a repayment moratorium on term loans until 31 August 2020.
Estimating Eligibility for the Fresh Start Mechanism under IBC, 2016
The provisions for insolvency, bankruptcy and fresh start for natural persons as contained in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) 2016 are expected to shift the paradigm of the Indian consumer credit market.
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian Financial System in 2019
Summarising the dominant trends from the year gone by.
Let’s stop kicking the can down the road: Highlighting important and unaddressed gaps in microcredit regulations
Three issues that the RBI must prioritize as it seeks to revise MFI regulations. While the prescriptive nature of these regulations has helped by setting in place core systems, processes and an overall structure towards better compliance, there is a growing concern over the capability of the current regime to effectively protect borrowers from over-indebtedness.
Functioning on an Uneven Keel: Capital Regulation of Credit Intermediaries in India
India is a bank-dominated financial system with most of the financial assets belonging to the banking sector.
Process innovations in Microfinance aimed at avoiding over-indebtedness
Summary of process innovations aimed at addressing concerns of household over-indebtedness and the subsequent stress experienced by members of the household.
Household Over-indebtedness in Europe: Definitions, Indicators and Influencing factors
Learnings from the European context.
Flexibility in Microfinance Loan Contracts
Research Brief for Practitioners and Policymakers
Proceedings of the Participant Sessions at the Workshop on Suitability in Microcredit
Proceeds from the Suitability Workshop in Mumbai, Oct 2018.
Impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime
Anticipating the function and impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime – A Youtube Video