Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Exploratory Analysis of Credit-to-GDP Variable for Tamil Nadu

In the previous blog posts of this series, we had outlined that the various aspects of financial development like depth (Credit to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratios), and access (per cent of population with bank accounts in urban and rural areas, and distribution of payment access points per 10,000 eligible persons) vary not only between Indian states, but also considerably between different districts.

Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households

As part of IFMR Finance Foundation’s “Notes on the Indian Financial System” research series, Anand Sahasranaman, Vishnu Prasad & Aditi Balachander, have authored the latest research note on “Simulating Housing Choice for Low-Income Urban Households”.

The Great Inequality Debate

Simon Kuznets’ seminal 1955 study on income inequality is famous for the inverted ‘U’ hypothesis1 which posits that as an economy develops, inequality first increases and then decreases if a certain level of income is achieved.