Assessing the Borrower-Level Impact of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: A Study of the Fresh Start Process

The 2016 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is a landmark legislation with the potential to impact every borrower. This paper focuses on Part III of the IBC, which deals with natural persons, proprietorships, and personal guarantors for corporate debt. Through the paper, we attempt to estimate the potential consequences of the Fresh Start Process (FSP) defined under this Part. The IBC lays out economic criteria that can qualify (or disqualify) an applicant for FSP. Under FSP, a borrower must be asset-lite, have a low income, and hold minimal outstanding debt to qualify. These thresholds determine the applicability of the process once the IBC is fully notified. Thus, empirical estimates regarding the effects of the provisions on the Indian credit market are crucial to deciphering the impact of the IBC, more specifically, the FSP.
Impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime
Anticipating the function and impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime – A Youtube Video
Video: Anticipating the function and impact of India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime
As part of the Emerging Markets Finance Conference, 2017, organised by IGIDR in collaboration with Vanderbilt Law School, Bindu Ananth joined a discussion on India’s new personal insolvency and bankruptcy regime, along with Prof. Adam Feibelman of Tulane University Law School and Renuka Sane, Associate Professor, NIPFP.
Insolvency Law Reform in India
We recently hosted a series of knowledge management sessions at our office, as part of which we had invited Richa Roy of AZB & Partners as one of the speakers.
The Individual Insolvency Framework in India
While the corporate insolvency framework has seen a lot of activity, the individual insolvency framework in India consists merely of a pair of statutes legislated in the British era which today lie dormant for all practical purposes.
The Corporate Insolvency Framework in India
IFMR Finance Foundation is working on understanding the regime for corporate and individual insolvency in India, as part of our mandate on financial systems design. We will be regularly showcasing our learnings on this front as a part of this new blog series called “Insolvency in India”. We start off by looking at the legal framework for corporate insolvency in India.