Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

IFMR Capital structures India’s first collateralised bond obligation

In keeping with its mission of providing access to debt capital for financial enterprises serving the financially-excluded communities, IFMR Capital today announced India’s first collateralised bond obligation (CBO) – the IFMR CBO I of Rs 98 crore, comprising multi-issuer pooled non-convertible debentures.

IFMR Capital completes its largest Multi-Originator securitisation transaction

IFMR Capital recently structured and arranged two Microloan Securitisation transactions – Aether IFMR Capital 2011 involving a single originator Grameen Financial Services Private Limited (Grameen Koota) and MOSEC 7, a multi-originator securitisation transaction involving seven Non-Banking Finance Companies.

The rich invest in the poor

The recent securitisation transaction completed by IFMR Capital was a landmark deal in the microfinance sector. It was a Rs. 108 Mn rated securitisation transaction backed by microloans originated by Grama Vidiyal Micro Finance Limited.