A High-Frequency Cashflow Analysis of Low-Income Households in India
This paper aims to document the unique characteristics of the financial lives of low-income households in India. It focuses on the intra-year fluctuations in income that are faced by these households owing to the precarity of their occupations.
Why customer protection is central to financial inclusion
India needs a robust and comprehensive financial customer protection regime, which it currently lacks. Imagine the following scenario. Raja and Rani are a low-income householder couple with two children in elementary school. They also take care of Raja’s ailing mother. The household’s monthly income is ₹20,000.
The financial lives of platform workers: A diaries study in Bengaluru, India
The study explores the financial lives of platform workers and finding answers to the following questions: do platform workers face volatility in their income and expenses, and how much do their earnings and expenditures vary on a day-to-day basis; how long do they work to earn as much as they would like to; whether and where they save and borrow; what strategies do they adopt to manage their money to meet their day-to-day expenses, raise lump-sums, deal with and recover from shocks; what social protection benefits do they have access to; what their financial goals are; and what barriers exist, if at all, in their pursuit of those goals.
Formalising social security for the informal sector
During the Budget speech, the Finance inister talked about the 20-year long process of implementing the labour codes in India.
Comments on Social Security Code, 2020
In this post, we provide some comments on social security for informal workers as it now stands under the 2020 Code.
Proceedings of Roundtable on Social Security for Self-Employed Workers in the Informal Sector
The Social Protection Initiative organised a closed-door virtual roundtable discussion on social security for self-employed workers
Challenges to Social Security for Self-Employed Workers in India and the Code for Social Security Bill 2019
This is part of a series of guest posts on social security for self-employed workers in the informal economy
Where do we go from here? Considerations for social security for migrant workers
Reflections on issues related to the delivery of benefits announced for migrant workers under Atma Nirbhar Bharat welfare scheme
Designing a Universal and Comprehensive Social Security Floor for Informal Sector Workers
In this policy brief, we examine the provisions of the Code on Social Security Bill, 2019 insofar as
they apply to workers in the informal sector. We note that there is a lack of clarity in the Bill on
the definition of an informal sector worker.
Social Security for the elderly in India
Insights on Social Security for the elderly in India