Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Technology Migration at KGFS

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Recently our Rural Finance Technology team migrated our legacy core banking system to a new core banking system.

Typically the migration involves three stages: Pre, Intermediate and Actual migration. At the pre-migration stage, a great level of attention went into understanding the data and the various parameters that hold it. At the intermediate stage, a mock-migration under a controlled testing environment was performed to iron out data inconsistencies and error incidents.  The actual migration, that happened over the weekend so that systems are in place when the week starts, happened after the issues encountered at the earlier stage were resolved.

The technology team provided a technical note that detailed the process involved in the migration. You can read the entire document by clicking here. The key takeaways being:

–    Understanding of data structure and account behaviour in legacy and new system is a key to successful migration.
–    It is advisable to always plan for mock drill before actual migration. This has to be accompanied by thorough testing and verification of data post migration.
–    Training should be given to users and they should be educated on account behaviour in the new system for accounts coming from the legacy system
–    Have patience.

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