Tracing the History of IRDAI’s Regulations on Suitability and its Interpretations by Market Participants – Part 2
In this blog post, which is the second part of the two-part series, we studied the suitability formats of four life insurance companies and found many contrasts in the manner in which IRDAI’s suitability regulations of 2019 has been implemented.
Tracing the History of IRDAI’s Regulations on Suitability and its Interpretations by Market Participants – Part 1
This blog post, which is the first of a two-part series, aims to trace the history of IRDAI’s regulations regarding suitability assessments for life insurance.
What household finance tells us about financial inclusion in India
There is an urgent need to make formal financial services more flexible, and customer centric, in order to increase its usability
Addressing Borrower Distress- A Principle-based Approach
In this post, to help enhance the efficacy of relevant frameworks, we lay out the key principles that the two primary actors, the banking sector regulator and the regulated lenders, must be guided by while designing policies to tackle debt distress caused by severe economic shocks.
How Microcredit Borrowers Availed the COVID-19 Debt Moratorium: A Case Study
In this blog post-through a case study, we analyse how microcredit borrowers availed the debt moratarium and through that identify how much they may have been impacted by COVID-19 and lockdowns.
Detecting Borrower Distress
A new framework for monitoring credit markets for over-indebtedness
Universal Health Coverage through Statutory Health Insurance in Germany
In this blog post, we analyse Germany’s Statutory Health Insurance and its lessons for health systems design.
Thailand: A Case Study in Strategic Purchasing
This case study analyse Thailand’s strategic purchasing and explain their health system financing
RBI’s Resolution Frameworks: A Case for Extension and Amendment
In this blog post, we answer the first two questions. In the next post, we shall present a principle-based approach that the RBI may adopt, thus answering the third question of how the current regulations should be amended or augmented to enhance their efficacy.
Gauging household income key for microfinance clients
he microfinance movement in India is set to receive another dose of impetus with the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) recently released Consultative Document on Regulation of Microfinance in June 2021. Following the Malegam Committee Report, which is a decade old now, the current document looks to reassess and realign the priorities of the sector.