Impact of information disclosure on consumer behaviour: The case of high-risk bonds
Impact of information disclosure on consumer behaviour: The case of high-risk bonds
Household Savings & The Macroeconomy
In this paper, we document some key relationships between micro-level household behavior and macro-level aggregates for the Indian economy. Using the CMIE’s Consumer Pyramids Survey, we show that for the period 2014-19, the household-level savings rate around the median of the income distribution correlates strongly with, and has predictive power for, macro-aggregate variables such as the Wholesale Price Index and its rate of change, the Prime Lending Rate, the growth rate of bank credit for personal loans, the growth rate of industry-sector GDP, and the growth rate of bank credit to the household sector.
Our Response to RBI’s Consultative Document on Regulation of Microfinance
In this blog post, we present a summary of our response to the consultative document.
How to get the Bad Bank off to a good start
Clear statutory backing, clarity of objectives and an independent and professional management are key to the success of a bad bank. These components seem absent in the current structure.
A Convening on ‘Emerging Customer Risks in Digital Lending in India’
A Convening on ‘Emerging Customer Risks in Digital Lending’ was conducted on April 22nd and 23rd, 2021, by Dvara Research Foundation in collaboration with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP).
Digital consumer credit in India – time to take a close look
Dvara Research, in partnership with CGAP, co-organized a round table on customer risks in the digital lending space. Here is the proceedings
Expanding Health Coverage through Community Based Health Insurance
This note discusses how Community Based Health Insurance can improve access to healthcare and financial protection for vulnerable low- and middle-income populations
Universal Health Coverage: Case Study of Israel’s Managed Care Model
In this post, we closely examine how the Israeli health system is financed
A framework for microfinance regulation that would suit India
An RBI paper with bold proposals for this sector should stir a discussion on broader policy reforms
Analysing the Financial Portfolio of Indian Households Following Different Faiths
In this deck, we analyse the financial portfolios of Indian households adhering to different religious faiths