Response dated 15 January 2021 to the Working Document: Enforcement Mechanisms for Responsible #AIforAll released by the NITI Aayog in November 2020
This research note intends to offer a solution-oriented feedback to the Working Document: Enforcement Mechanisms for Responsible #AIforAll (Working Document) released by the NITI Aayog in November 2020.
Employee State Insurance Scheme is missing in action
Covid-19 has exposed how ESIS and the ESIC system have failed beneficiaries; there is a need for reform involving outcome-measuring, better governance, and competition
Fixing India’s Banks: Making Banking Boring Again
The best banks are boring banks, whose strength is in the maturity of their processes for managing capital, writes Nachiket Mor.
Why We Need Banks… And Getting Indian Banking Right
Banks in India will need to work hard to build a well-functioning ‘internal market’, which at the moment is quite broken.
Finding the common man in the capital markets
SEBI needs to clearly define who a retail consumer is and ensure that this definition is inclusive enough that it accounts for the universe of consumers that are susceptible to the mis-selling of financial products and services
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian Financial System in 2020
Summarising the dominant trends from the year gone by.
A Review of Themes in Household Finance: Perspective from Emerging Economies
In this post, we summarise the themes of HHF as articulated in a our working paper as well as comment on the gaps in a recent paper on HHF
Excluded from Public Distribution System: Enrolment issues in the Last-mile
In this blog post, we explore a case of exclusion from the PDS, wherein a daily wage labourer, Mr. Kabeer, was unable to obtain a ration card
Are MSME Grievances Adequately Represented?
In this post, we look at whether the grievances of the MSME sector in relation to their use of financial services are adequately.
COVID-19 Impact on Daily Life (CIDL) Survey
This brief presents the evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the daily life of low-income households from a fortnightly panel survey conducted by Dvara Research