It’s unfair to NBFCs
India is a bank-dominated financial system with about two-thirds of all financial assets in the economy belonging to the banking sector.
The State of Social Pensions in India
The second post in our three-part series on Pensions.
Bridging Gaps in Household Finance Through Research Evidence and Data
Webinar on Evidence Gap and Data on Financial Well-being in India
Our Observations on RBI’s June 2019 Financial Stability Report
On the June 2019 Financial Stability Report released by the Reserve Bank of India.
Social Security for the elderly in India
Insights on Social Security for the elderly in India
Priorities for Social Protection in India
Launching the Social Protection Initiative at Dvara Research
Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies – A Comparative Analysis across India, US and EU
Comparing regulatory approaches that CRAs are subjected to across India, the US and EU.
The Road Ahead for Farmer Producer Organisations in India
On issues faced by Farmer Producer Organisations and recommendations on how to address these issues.
Better financial inclusion: create an enabling environment for the underserved to save, borrow and invest
The new regime must be one that can hold all entities to a common standard of institutional conduct in how they deal with the individual customer, including how they sell products.
The RBI’s proposed Public Credit Registry and its implications for the credit reporting system in India
On RBI’s proposed Public Credit Registry and its implications.