How government backstops can best ease credit flows to MSMEs
The Indian government has set into motion the implementation of several schemes that are aimed at improving both the liability and asset sides of the balance sheets of banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), so that lending to the real economy can increase. The most recently introduced are four schemes.
Covid-19 Package: A Shot In The Arm For MSMEs And NBFCs
Response to the rescue package announced by Finance Minister on May 13th, 2020
Fix the problems in Aadhaar-based cash transactions
Cash withdrawals through micro ATMs have surged in the wake of covid-related disruptions. But a considerable number of these transactions fail, thus worsening the pain of the vulnerable sections.
Covid-19 Response: The ‘Goldilocks Balance’ For MSMEs
The goal cannot be eliminating all MSME failure as we simply don’t have the resources to provide that magnitude of a backstop.
End-to-end liquidity transmission a must to serve the vulnerable
Cash withdrawals through micro ATMs have surged in the wake of covid-related disruptions in the operations of banks and business correspondents.
But a considerable number of these transactions fail, thus worsening the pain of the vulnerable sections.
Small policy tweaks could be all that we need to revive MSMEs
The present government has set great store by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurship as engines of growth.
Who Is The State?: Reconsidering Article 12 In The Context Of Common Service Centres
The delivery of government services through the public-private partnership (PPP) model has been a key plank of the government’s development agenda.
Will The Personal Data Protection Bill Pass The Litmus Test Of Trust?
Our society operates on the basis of trust. We use this trust every day. To build friendships, to buy and sell things, to vote, to claim protection and benefits from the State when they are due.
Why more smart phones and bank accounts haven’t brought financial digital inclusion in India
India’s financial sector has been a gung-ho adopter of technology. But design of technology and finance have hardly reflected users’ lived realities.
India has a new code to simplify law on minimum wages – but it doesn’t give workers any real benefit
It provides no guidelines to account for minimum consumption by households, despite Supreme Court rulings on this.