Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

IFMR Capital infuses liquidity into MFIs

IFMR Capital has recently structured, arranged and invested in two more securitisation transactions Lamdba Pioneer and Sigma2 Pioneer with two different MFIs.

RBI Deputy Governor visits KGFS

We had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governor, RBI, on a branch visit to the Pudhuaaru KGFS recently. At the branch, Dr. Gokarn interacted with the team and participated in the wealth management ritual.

Preparing for a New World

Last week witnessed the 4th edition of the annual College of Agricultural Banking – Centre for Microfinance conference on “Microfinance: Translating Research into Practice”

Micro finance: A 5 point call for change

We have maintained a consistent position that despite all the imperfections of the MFI industry, the AP crisis was brought on primarily by the Ordinance that restricted the ability of MFIs to collect on the loans they had made and the misplaced perception of key stakeholders that this is an unregulated industry