New Trustee Announcement
Infograph: The KGFS Model
Note: You can know more about the model by reading the paper “The Pursuit of Complete Financial Inclusion: The KGFS Model in India” published by CGAP.
Adoption of Mobile Financial Services in Thanjavur – Pudhuaaru KGFS & Qarth Technologies Pilot
Since its introduction in 2010, IMPS based mobile banking transactions have been growing month on month reaching 3.5 Million monthly transactions in May 2014.
IFMR Capital forays into Rating Advisory
IFMR Capital recently closed its first ratings advisory with a leading NBFC in India.
IFMR Capital structures India’s first collateralised bond obligation
In keeping with its mission of providing access to debt capital for financial enterprises serving the financially-excluded communities, IFMR Capital today announced India’s first collateralised bond obligation (CBO) – the IFMR CBO I of Rs 98 crore, comprising multi-issuer pooled non-convertible debentures.
IFMR Investment Managers Receives SEBI Approval for its First Alternative Investment Fund
IFMR Investment Managers Private Limited, the asset management company of IFMR Trust, has received approval from SEBI to launch IFMR FImpact Investment Fund (the Fund), the first scheme under its social venture fund registered under Category 1 of SEBI (AlF) Regulations, 2012.
The Impact of KGFS in Rural Tamil Nadu: Early Evidence from a Randomised Control Trial
The Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services (KGFS) model since its inception has focused on providing a range of high quality financial services through its geographically-focused community financial institutions using a customised wealth management approach.
The Green Stool Innovation
On Wednesday, we brought together leaders from our Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services (KGFS) companies to talk about best practices from across our operations in Uttarakhand, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. One story really stood out for me – the green stool innovation.
The Green Stool Innovation
IFMR Capital closes its first securitisation in Commercial Vehicle Finance
IFMR Capital recently closed its first securitisation deal in the commercial vehicles finance sector in India.