Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Designing a Framework for Event Risk & Loss Estimation

This post is the first post in a new blog series that would delve and deliberate on different aspects of designing a framework that would enable a credit institution to identify the exposure to extreme events and to estimate the potential losses due to such events. 

Infograph: The KGFS Model

Note: You can know more about the model by reading the paper “The Pursuit of Complete Financial Inclusion: The KGFS Model in India” published by CGAP.

IFMR Capital structures India’s first collateralised bond obligation

In keeping with its mission of providing access to debt capital for financial enterprises serving the financially-excluded communities, IFMR Capital today announced India’s first collateralised bond obligation (CBO) – the IFMR CBO I of Rs 98 crore, comprising multi-issuer pooled non-convertible debentures.