Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Financial Inclusion Measurement: Deepening the Evidence

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The Inclusive Finance India Report is a comprehensive and well-researched account on cumulative progress made in India toward reaching the ambitious goal of universal financial inclusion. The report covers a review of the performance of diverse institutional structures and delivery models in inclusive finance – the commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks, the new specialized banks, non-bank finance companies, self-help groups, microfinance institutions, banking agents, and fintechs. The report covers the initiatives in digital technology that help overcome last-mile delivery challenges and provides an overview of the new initiatives and breakthroughs in digital financial inclusion. The document tracks the performance of programmes and schemes of the government to promote financial inclusion, as well as contributions and new initiatives of ecosystem players such as investors, large apex institutions, and regulators. This edition of the Report also provides an overview of the initiatives and achievements in specialised areas of green financing and WASH financing that support progress on the climate resilience agenda.

Read the full report click here.

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