Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Can Leveraging Social Capital Enhance Consumers’ Experience with Health Insurance?

When viewed from a consumer’s perspective, these challenges manifest at different stages of their journey with a health insurance program, beginning from the decision to enrol in a program and ending at the renewal stage. While tweaks to the design of the health insurance program or moving to a more integrated model of healthcare provision may help in this blog post, we explore the role that social capital can play in circumventing some of these challenges.

The factors making customers check out from the Account Aggregator journey

This post presents design elements that providers can use to make the consent artefacts more effective for constrained users. These design recommendations emerge from the insights from an immersive behavioural field study we conducted with 60 constrained customers through a gamified simulation of an AA transaction.

Workshop on Life Insurance for Low-Income Households

This blog post summarises key takeaways from a virtual workshop we recently hosted. It was conducted against the backdrop of a study that we recently concluded titled “Can information disclosures influence life insurance purchase decisions for low-income households?”.

Debt Distress Protocols

An action project to help financial service providers detect debt distress among their borrowers and administer interventions to alleviate distress. Read the full report here.

The Use of Malware in UPI related Fraud 

In a recent study to evaluate the effectiveness of consumer awareness campaigns relating to United Payment Interface(UPI) frauds, Dvara Research interviewed ~85 low-income, new-to-UPI users from metro cities and small towns.

Do UPI In-App Grievance Redress Mechanisms work for constrained users?

In this interim report, we document our observations about the user interface of In-App GRMs in UPI applications (UPI Apps). Our observations are based on our review of the customer redress journey on these GRMs – mainly in terms of the GRM’s accessibility and usability – from the lens of a low-income, digital immigrant customer.