Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Cost of Delivering Rural Credit in India

Central to the debate on access to finance for India, is the question of the most appropriate channel for credit delivery. Credit intermediation has traditionally been the stronghold of banks, driven by policy mandates and regulatory backing.

The FSLRC Approach

Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC) was set up by the Indian Government in 2011 with a mandate to help rewrite and harmonize financial sector legislation, rules and regulations. On March 22nd 2013 it released its final report and the draft law.

Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 – Part I & II

Continuing our Municipal Finance blog series on the Financing Small Cities blog, in this two-part series we look at the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964, which is the enabling legislation for the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in Karnataka.

Unanticipated consequences of Finance Bill provisions on securitisation

Over 2006-12, RBI and SEBI have created a strong and conducive regulatory environment for securitisation, listing of securitised debt instruments, and standards of transparency and reporting. Securitisation volumes have picked up and we recently witnessed the first listed transaction. In October 2011, the income tax authorities issued a claim on certain securitisation special purpose vehicles […]