Reforming the Regulatory Architecture of India’s Financial System – What do the committees have to say?
[This post is the fourth in a series on the theme “regulatory architecture of India’s financial system”. IFMR Blog will continue to feature this theme till the third week of June.]
Challenge of financing SMEs
India is home to about 26 million small enterprises (with investments less than 50 million) that account for about 20 per cent of the country’s GDP .
The financial regulatory architecture of Australia: Lessons for India
[This article is the third in a series of posts on the theme “Regulatory architecture of India’s financial system”. IFMR Blog will continue to feature this theme through the next two weeks.]
“We need to design a financial regulatory architecture that serves the people and the economy of India”
What is the state of financial regulatory architecture in India? Is the regulatory architecture optimal for the modern financial system that the Indian economy needs?
No money to govern rural India
In India, gram panchayats (GPs) were given constitutional legitimacy following the passage of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, which was meant to decentralise power and responsibility to them to improve local public service delivery and governance.
Regulatory Architecture of India’s Financial System
It is happening again – regulators debating openly to clarify their turfs. This time it is PFRDA Vs. IRDA for regulation of pension products offered by insurance companies,
Response to RBI’s discussion paper on Deregulation of Savings Bank Deposit Rate
We think that the Indian economy is ripe for deregulation of savings rate. The recent monetary
policy released by the RBI highlights that the Indian economy may experience a slow growth over
this year, given an inflation focused tightening of the monetary policy.
How markets can serve farmers
Agriculture incomes in India are volatile because of a number of unforeseen factors, such as weather, disease/pest infestations and/or market conditions.
Matching Types of Accounts to Types of Needs: Lessons from India
My colleague and I were once asked at a conference, “So, how exactly does a bank account reduce poverty?” Great question.
Making money transfers work for migrants
Gopal G., a native of West Bengal, moved to Delhi 14 years ago to find a job to support his 11-member family. In Delhi, he works with a goldsmith, earning Rs 3,600 a month, much of which he sends back home.