Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Unearthing the real issues in microfinance: Quality

Sucharita Mukherjee and Kirthi Rao talk about the importance of quality of underwriting standards in microfinance institutions. This is the first in a series of articles by the authors on the topic “Unearthing the real issues in microfinance”.

Pens n’ Parrys

Legend would have it that ‘a pen is mightier that sword’ and for good reason.

NGOs as Business Correspondents

IFMR Finance Foundation (IFF), which recently came out with a plan for commercial banks to deepen financial access using the Business Correspondent (BC) model , is now working on an action plan to roll out the model extensively across India.

Bringing mutual funds and small MFIs together

What does it take to make a mutual fund invest in small MFIs? The one team that would be able to answer this question would be the IFMR Capital MOSEC team that has just concluded the second multi-originator microloan securitization.