Funding to the microfinance sector: Review of options
The Indian microfinance sector has seen a series of rapid changes in the past decade.
A structured finance approach to microfinance
The structured finance approach has given MFIs access to a new class of debt investors, thereby reducing over-dependence on traditional sources of funds. This therefore enables risk transfer over a larger gamut of financial institutions and also provides access to mainstream capital market investors. The need for continuous and reliable sources of capital is critical for growth and sustenance in this sector.
Understanding Credit Default Swaps
Credit Derivatives are great financial tools that help entities manage their risk in a better, more efficient way.
Debt funding options for micro-banking service providers
In the wake of recent reports of dramatic decline in the availability of capital, microfinance service providers struggling to keep afloat, and the recent proposal by the finance minister to create a dedicated fund for providing equity to smaller MFIs
Andhra Pradesh Financial Crisis Threatens to Snowball into a National Crisis
The financial sector crisis in Andhra Pradesh seems to be playing out like a very bad dream that doesn’t end.
Mills, Sugarcane and Credit
The Centre for Innovative Financial Design (CIFD) recently entered the survey stage of a research project concentrating on the welfare of India’s sugarcane farmers.
Role of Moneylenders in relaxing credit constraints
From Shylock to the neighborhood pawn-broker, money lenders have always been reviled for exploitative practices and prices in lending to the poor.