Assessing the Borrower-Level Impact of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: A Study of the Fresh Start Process
The 2016 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is a landmark legislation with the potential to impact every borrower. This paper focuses on Part III of the IBC, which deals with natural persons, proprietorships, and personal guarantors for corporate debt. Through the paper, we attempt to estimate the potential consequences of the Fresh Start Process (FSP) defined under this Part. The IBC lays out economic criteria that can qualify (or disqualify) an applicant for FSP. Under FSP, a borrower must be asset-lite, have a low income, and hold minimal outstanding debt to qualify. These thresholds determine the applicability of the process once the IBC is fully notified. Thus, empirical estimates regarding the effects of the provisions on the Indian credit market are crucial to deciphering the impact of the IBC, more specifically, the FSP.
Does moratorium affect loan repayment behaviour?
Governments and lenders provide loan moratoria to help struggling borrowers, particularly during an economic crisis. While it can provide relief to borrowers, such a policy also has a possibility of inducing moral hazard among the beneficiaries.
How Microcredit Borrowers Availed the COVID-19 Debt Moratorium: A Case Study
In this blog post-through a case study, we analyse how microcredit borrowers availed the debt moratarium and through that identify how much they may have been impacted by COVID-19 and lockdowns.
Must the Most Vulnerable Bear the Highest Costs? The Case of Interest on Interest during the Debt Moratorium
In this post, we investigate the cost of Interest on Interest (IoI), that emerged out of the RBI’s policy to grant a 6-month debt moratorium
COVID-19 and Debt Moratorium – The Case of Microcredit
In the wake of COVID-19 related lockdown and the resultant impact on the financial lives of millions of households, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved a series of regulatory measures, which among others, enabled lending institutions to provide their borrowers with a 6 month-repayment moratorium on term loans. A debt moratorium at this scale […]
COVID-19 and Debt Moratorium – The Case of Microcredit
This policy brief examines the implications of debt moratorium in the context of microcredit
Covid-19 and debt moratorium conundrum: The case of microfinance
Given the extent of liquidity shock caused by Covid-19, the Reserve Bank of India enabled all lending institutions to provide their borrowers with a repayment moratorium on term loans until 31 August 2020.