Private Players in Welfare Delivery: A Case Study from South Africa
In this blog post we study the privatisation of grants system in the South Africa
Agent Fraud in Welfare Transfers: A Case Study in Exclusion
In this ongoing series, we will cover stories of citizens who have been excluded from social protection benefits delivered through the DBT and PDS.
Exclusion from PM Kisan due to delay in correction of beneficiary records in PFMS
In this ongoing series, we will cover stories of citizens who have been excluded from social protection benefits delivered through the DBT and PDS.
The ‘Common Services Centre’ Model: A no-win scenario?
Study on incentive compatibility in welfare delivery
Direct Benefits Transfer in Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh, with an area of 3.08 lakh square kilometres is the second largest State in India after Rajasthan1. It has a total of 50 districts2, 52,117 inhabited villages3 governed by 23,006 panchayats, and as per the 2011 Census, has a population of 7.27 crore4 with more than 75% of it residing in villages.
Extending the third-party aggregator model from ATMs to Business Correspondents
When you have two systems running in parallel, the hardest part is always managing the interface between the two. Customers don’t usually all migrate to the new system entirely and at the same time, so there is a need for the new system to offer backward compatibility with the older, more established system.
An overview of the features of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005)
Continuing on our series on Unemployment Support In India, this post provides an overview of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005).
Top 5 Game changers for the Indian financial system in 2012
Here are our picks:
1)Direct Cash Transfer Scheme – To be rolled-out from January 1, under this scheme government plans to provide subsidies and other benefits directly to the poor in cash rather than in the form of subsidies.
Unconditional Cash Transfers – What does research say?
As the government plans to transfer 29 benefits (pensions, scholarships, fuel subsidies etc.) through the direct cash transfer scheme, we look at what research tells us about unconditional cash transfers.
Do Consumer Price Subsidies Really Improve Nutrition?
The National Bureau of Economic Research recently published a working paper by Robert T. Jensen and Nolan H. Miller on this topic.